Hi!!! Sorry I kind of just fell off the
blogosphere for a while! ;o) My mom came for Thanksgiving and brought a lovely cold with her. ;o) So we spent most of December recovering from that and then all that comes with Christmas. Then I found out I am having abdominal surgery again on Monday at 7. It will be my 4
th abdominal surgery in 18 months so I have been having me a pity party! ;o) But, I have snapped out of it and I wanted to get on here and update before I take another break to recover from surgery! In my last post I showed my Peppermint Lane before framing. Here she is in all her beautiful glory~ ;o)

Peppermint Lane by Country Cottage
This is where she lived during December and the first part of January! ;o) I started on the January Cottage by
CCN but I didn't get very far before I started on February last night! ;o) This is what I got finished. I hope to finish February and then finish January before March comes!;o)

Here are two more Christmas ornaments that I stitched in early December. They didn't get finished. Sigh! Well I am determined once I recover to make them up. I am also hoping this year to stitch an ornament a month. We will see how that goes. ;o)

January 5
th was our 24
th anniversary, so to celebrate we headed to Phoenix for the weekend with our family. We had a great time and I got to visit
Attic Needlework in Mesa for the first time!! It was so lovely. The ladies were so helpful and friendly!! I could have spent all day there and I will some day in the future! ;o) These next two pictures are what I came home with. I was trying to be good, so I didn't get to much! ;o) I was so excited to find a frame for my
CCN Cottages of the Month!

Well I started on the February cottage last night, I almost have all of the pink on the house done. Hopefully once I am not too drugged I will be able to finish it quickly! ;o)
Happy stitching,