Spent: $ 14.25
Carryover: $ 14.57
Balance: $ 25.32
Love, Heather
Balance forward: $ 46.77
Budget $25.00
Spent: $ 57.20
Balance to carryover: $ 14.57
Good evening! I got confused on my dates, so I am just going to have a quick post!
Thank you so much for all of your sweet and encouraging comments on my last post! I am still replying to them. :-)
I visited a new to me cross stitch shop this past month. My husband had a comp day during the week, so we headed down to Ocean City, Maryland. I had a few minutes to pop into Salty Yarns. You definitely need way more than a few minutes! :-) But I was able to get in enough trouble in those few minutes. :-)
It's definitely a shop to visit if you ever have the chance!
After visiting Salty Yarns, I felt like stitching again! I am not stitching a whole lot, but I am enjoying it! I finished the adorable project that I showed last time. I just love it! I need to make a trip to JoAnns to find some fabric to finish it up. :-)
One of my purchases this month was County Cottage Needleworks Seasonal Celebrations: Summer. I am loving it! I plan on doing all of the pieces in the series. I love everything about this stitchery! The words, the little cottage and the bunting! :-) :-) :-)
Hopefully I will be back soon with this piece finished!
See you soon! Happy stitching!
Love, Heather
Spent: $ 6.75
Balance : $46.77
Earned : $ 0
Good afternoon! If anyone sees my stitching mojo, would you please send it back to me? ;-)
I am going through a stitching slump. I bought this adorable Spring kit from Little House Needleworks, in the hopes that it would help me recover from my slump. I spent one evening stitching on it and watching Lost in Austen and that is all the stitching that I accomplished for the month. :-( Here's hoping that I feel like stitching more next month. :-)
The only thing I bought this month is the spring kit from Little House Needleworks.
Well, I am off to enjoy a gorgeous spring day. We are going on a picnic this evening. I am so excited! :-)
I hope that you are all well!
Happy stitching!
Love, Heather
Spent: $20
Earned: $0
Balance: $28.52
Good afternoon! Sorry for being so quiet! It's been a month full of highs and lows! One of the wonderful highs was our oldest son married his sweetheart! We are so thrilled to be gaining another daughter!
Not a lot of stitching going here this month. I did manage to finish an ornament that I started last December. It was a fun stitch and I am working up the courage to "finish" it. :-)
Hopefully April will be filled with more stitching and some sunshine and green! :-) Did I mention it's snowing right now. :-( :-).
I didn't do as well as I should have for the Stitch from Stash. Darn you Pinterest and Instagram! :-) I ordered a booklet from the bay of evil and an older Prairie Schooler pattern from a seller on Amazon.
I hope that you are all well. I hope to answer comments and be back to visiting your blogs soon!
Happy stitching!
Love, Heather
Happy new year! I hope that this year is the best one yet! :-)
Have I ever told you that I am a crazy bird lady? Well, I am! :-) As I am writing this, I can look out my dining room window and see several birds in queue, waiting for an open space at one of the feeders. Now, that all of the leaves are gone, I can catch glimpses of other birds down at the end of our yard in the wooded area. We are blessed to have lived in some of the best birding areas in the world. The American Birding association moved their headquarters about 5 blocks down the road from us. When we lived in the country of Panama, we saw Toucans quite frequently! I love birds! :-)
I have bird tea things, a table cloth, pictures, figurines, stationery. ...etc. :-) You get the picture, I am sure. :-)
So, I had been thinking that every crazy bird lady needs a bird Christmas tree! Right? ! We had a smallish Christmas tree that we were not using and I already had quite a few bird ornaments and our family tree was getting really full, so it was meant to be! So, my stitching goal this year is to make as many new bird ornaments as possible. :-)
I am keeping it up through January, since it is more wintery and It makes me smile every time I see it. :-)
Without any more rambling, here are some pictures of my bird tree. :-)